Module Submission for developers
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Module Submission for developers
Why and how users should submit modules is described on the Module_Submission page. This page describes what a developer needs to do to handle these submissions. Or rather, it describes what works for me.
I'm no expert by any means and this is not intended to be a comprehensive guide to git. There is just enough information to get started, and to describe my workflow.
Developer access
Before you will be able to save anything back to the central git repository holding the Moonbase, you will obviously need to apply for a username and password on the central machine. You will need to have been a regular, constructive contributor to the #lunar IRC channel on, or the Lunar Mailing-List or have successfully submitted modules in the past.
Cloning your own moonbase.git
I don't have a public server of my own on which I can make my repository available for sharing, testing and cherry-picking by others, so I use a two-stage repository system. You may be able to work with just one.
I have a remote repository on the main Lunar Linux machine, doppio, which was created using:
doppio$ git clone git:// moonbase.git doppio$ cd moonbase.git doppio$ git config --global "Full Name" doppio$ git config --global ""
I have a local repository on my private machine that shadows the remote one. I shall call my local machine satellite so that it matches the instructions given in Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So
satellite$ git clone ssh:// moonbase.git satellite$ cd moonbase.git satellite$ git config --get-regexp '^(remote|branch)\.' satellite$ git config remote.origin.push master:refs/remotes/satellite/master
- Lunar Linux is one of the projects on and I could have cloned from instead. The admins take security very seriously, so take care to be consistent and set up your .ssh/config properly or you will find your access blocked.
- I've discovered that a git push directly from satellite:master to doppio:master works but it is easy to get out of sync. Or rather, I kept screwing up and having to delete and re-clone the repository. The last git config line makes it easier to push from satellite:master to doppio:satellite/master and then git merge satellite:master as described in Everyday GIT...
Reviewing module submissions
There is a neat script on doppio called review that you can use to view and apply the module submission patches directly to the current moonbase.git. The review script assumes that the submitter has already tested the patch and that if it applies cleanly it will be accepted, otherwise it will be rejected. One really cool feature of review is that the submitter gets the credit in the commit message. Unfortunately, if there are any problems in your moonbase.git - and there often were in mine - the script can delete the patch.
By default review will work through all of the modules in the submission queue so it's best to specify the module that you are interested in. review will open an editor session containing the module patch file so that you can view the changes, and potentially tidy the subject line and annotate what will become the text of the commit message. After you leave the editor, review checks whether the patch will apply to the current moonbase.git without problems, suggests what should be done with the patch, and waits for your input. If the patch applies cleanly, the default action is to accept it. You could still reject it for some other reason; because it does not conform to the Module_Guidelines for example. If the patch can't be applied - and that might mean that the submission was valid but that a developer has already updated that module in the moonbase - the action is to reject and another editor session will open so that you can explain why. The two other possible actions are defer and quit.
doppio$ cd moonbase.git doppio$ git pull # make sure we are up to date doppio$ git checkout -b test master # create a test branch in case of problems doppio$ review submitted_module # view patch in editor, then accept,reject,defer,quit
# if accepted: doppio$ git checkout master doppio$ git merge testing doppio$ git branch -D testing doppio$ git push # may give warnings about pushing master to master
# else: doppio$ git checkout master doppio$ git branch -D testing
If all has gone smoothly, git status won't show any added, deleted or modified files. Take care to clean up if there are. You might also need to git pull again here, but I don't understand why.
Testing the submission locally before committing
If you want to be really thorough - or paranoid - you should really check that the patch applies and builds on your own machine first. That takes a little more effort, because you will first need to grab the patch file, apply and test locally:
satellite$ scp /tmp satellite$ cd moonbase.git satellite$ git pull satellite$ git checkout -b test master satellite$ git am /tmp/submitted_module.patch satellite$ # check lin submitted_module works as expected
- OK, I admit it. I did mix and and my access was blocked until I set up my .ssh/config properly.
At this point, if you want the submitter to get a feel-good "Your patch was accepted" message:
satellite$ git checkout master satellite$ git branch -D testing
doppio$ # use git and review as described earlier
Otherwise, just continue with the usual git workflow:
satellite$ git checkout master satellite$ git merge testing satellite$ git branch -D testing satellite$ git push
doppio$ cd moonbase.git doppio$ git merge satellite/testing # see git config tip earlier doppio$ git push doppio$ review # patch already applied, so review will reject it
As mentioned earlier, run git status, tidy up if required, and run git pull again.
Is there a better way?
I'm an apprentice rather than a wizard level developer, and I've just about understood git-101, but diagnosing git problems makes my head hurt.
So if you can see a better way of doing things, please add a section at the bottom and describe your workflow.